Barcelona, Spain. Fundació Joan Miró. 2014.1.4

Before the Horizon

Before the Horizon is an anachronistic gathering of painted and photographed horizons with an occasional foray into sculpture, installation, and land art. The title and the spirit of the exhibition are a reference to Georges Didi-Huberman's book Devant le temps [Before Time], a study of anachronism and art history. In the wake of great thinkers such as Walter Benjamin, Carl Einstein, and Aby Warburg, his analysis raises the issue of anachronism as one of the taboos of art history as an academic discipline.
The exhibition revolves around the representation of the horizon as a recurrent theme and a major challenge in painting, and is organized as a sequence of anachronistic conversations and dialogues that address a variety of aspects of the represented horizon. The point of departure is an introductory room devoted to Joan Miró, followed by a large European section broken up into rooms about the Nordic horizon, the French horizon, seascapes, and the contract between the expressionist horizon and the Japanese horizon, culminating with a chapel devoted to the horizon. Next is a large second section focusing on the 20th-century American horizon, followed by a final section on the postcolonial horizon. Last of all, an epilogue summarizes the lessons drawn from the exhibition and poses a question:  Is the horizon the locus of painting? Is it the line where all the challenges and paradoxes of the pictorial act may be found?

Curated by Martina Millà


展出過往有關界線的畫作攝影作品,也涉及雕塑、裝置藝術與地景藝術。本展覽之命名與其理念發想於法國哲學及藝術史學家迪迪.于伯曼的著作, Before Time ,書中著眼時代錯亂與藝術史。承繼前輩思想家 Walter Benjamin 、 Carl Einstein 、 Aby Warburg 等人,針對嚴謹的學術研究,他探討時代不一致性在藝術史上的禁忌角色。
界線作為藝術家不斷探詢的主題,也是藝術家們長久以來的挑戰,展覽的中心理念試圖詮釋,帶出一系列不同時代的交流及對話,傳達界線的不同面向。場以離別之際向米羅致敬,緊接著的幾個展間為歐洲區塊,展出北歐界線、法國界線、海景、對比表現主義界線及日本界線此區塊最後小展間推向高潮, 第二部分展區聚焦二十世紀美洲界線,最後一塊展區呈現後殖民線。展覽尾聲總結展區的作品的並向觀眾提問提問,界線是否為繪畫關注焦點所在?又問繪畫中的難題和悖論是否集結於此?


展場很大,可以隨意的走坐,當天見到一個小弟坐在地上臨摹作品,不由得有點敬佩。特展展出 Before the horizon ,有明確像是地平線的界線,也有看不出是什麼的線,不得不說所謂的地平線真的有點弔詭,一條線的上面是天,下面是地,分開的兩端卻在遙遠的那一側像是連在一起,但人們想的卻是在地平線之前和之後,遙遠的那一側後面是什麼,卻又在地理大發現時漸漸地確定在那之後,又是另外的地平線,因為地球是圓的。展場設計蠻貼心的,不同展區的主題,都有一段話以不同國家的語言說明界線,帶底線的文字更加的凸顯界線的概念跟區隔。常設展米羅的作品含括繪畫、雕塑、織品等等,感覺展場確確實實就是為此而打造,能展出許多大型的作品,連頂樓室外也都有展出,但參觀日期已不可考,我真得不太記得當時的感想,果然應該好好寫日記的。


 *巴賽隆那有推廣的博物館聯票 ArTicket BCN ,三十歐可以參觀六個博物館,聽以來蠻划算但時間不夠這次只買了米羅的特展跟常設展的票。

