今年的五月十號及十一號是 European Opera days ,挪威也有相關活動,但最後只有在房間看了Youtube的直播節目 Inside Opera: Live
。 將近五個小時的直播,在線人數大概有兩百五到三百左右,只看到後面大概兩個小時。介紹服裝的設計、打版、試裝、修改,某個重要的人物說戲服不只是要好看,更重要的能不能說故事
(Costumes are not only pretty [....] Does it tell story [of opera]?)
,還蠻一語驚醒我這個夢中人的,真正精采的戲服是專門為戲量身打造的。還有介紹去年不可兒戲 (The Importance of Being
Inside Opera: Live
Seven of the UK’s opera companies have joined forces to deliver a unique live event hosted on YouTube offering unprecedented behind the scenes access and insight. Designed for anyone who loves or is new to opera, this ambitious event combines live streamed and filmed footage to take you backstage at the most prestigious opera houses across the country to see rehearsals, hear from its big stars, debunk a few myths and reveal just what goes in to delivering this all-consuming art form, year-round. This live online event, hosted from the Grand Theatre in Leeds, is a chance to experience opera across the UK from the inside and encourages viewers to find out about the opera activity on their doorstep. With English National Opera, English Touring Opera, Northern Ireland Opera, Opera North, Royal Opera House, Scottish Opera, and Welsh National Opera. (http://www.operadays.eu/)
七間英國劇院,Youtube直播,首度攜手揭開後台神秘的面紗,一探究竟。歡迎歌劇的熱愛者或是剛入門的觀眾,透過此次結合現場轉播及剪輯影片的盛大播出,前往各地頂尖歌劇院的後台,觀看彩排、聆聽巨星演出、直擊後台的狀況,了解歌劇這種至始至終、費時費工的藝術形式。此次位在里茲大劇院 (Grand Theatre, Leeds) 的網路直播,由內部製作了解歌劇,也期待更多的人們能親臨歌劇院欣賞演出。
Inside Opera: Live
Seven of the UK’s opera companies have joined forces to deliver a unique live event hosted on YouTube offering unprecedented behind the scenes access and insight. Designed for anyone who loves or is new to opera, this ambitious event combines live streamed and filmed footage to take you backstage at the most prestigious opera houses across the country to see rehearsals, hear from its big stars, debunk a few myths and reveal just what goes in to delivering this all-consuming art form, year-round. This live online event, hosted from the Grand Theatre in Leeds, is a chance to experience opera across the UK from the inside and encourages viewers to find out about the opera activity on their doorstep. With English National Opera, English Touring Opera, Northern Ireland Opera, Opera North, Royal Opera House, Scottish Opera, and Welsh National Opera. (http://www.operadays.eu/)
七間英國劇院,Youtube直播,首度攜手揭開後台神秘的面紗,一探究竟。歡迎歌劇的熱愛者或是剛入門的觀眾,透過此次結合現場轉播及剪輯影片的盛大播出,前往各地頂尖歌劇院的後台,觀看彩排、聆聽巨星演出、直擊後台的狀況,了解歌劇這種至始至終、費時費工的藝術形式。此次位在里茲大劇院 (Grand Theatre, Leeds) 的網路直播,由內部製作了解歌劇,也期待更多的人們能親臨歌劇院欣賞演出。