德國漢堡 Hamburg, Germany. Miniatur Wunderland. 2014.4.22

Miniatur Wunderland ,小細節見真章。據說是兩兄弟重拾童年夢想,打造出全世界規模最大的鐵路模型,現在已是小王國的樣貌。大人小孩都樂在其中,但人真的太多了,也因此這大概是我看過營業時間,跟控管是最驚人的吧。

Miniatur Wunderland Our Philosophy
Many people may think of us more as crazy hobbyists than as entrepreneurs. On the contrary, we are responsible for more than 150 employees that expect from us a secure working future. We try our best to balance out the roles enthusiastic hobbyists and responsible entrepreneurs - this is a main part of our philosophy. We are convinced that these two contrasts are complementary and not mutually exclusive. We don’t want to run a business which only concentrates on economic figures and whose aim is solely to make profits, nor do we want to run a heartless and boring profit-machine. 


For us, being entrepreneurs means having the possibility to realize and live one’s dreams. The Miniatur Wunderland was our daydream which we are able to live now,  and just like in a daydream we are able to influence the further development by our actions. 

對我們來說,老闆的角色是協助我們把夢想化為可能,進一步成為生活的一部份。The Miniatur Wunderland 一開始只是我們的白日夢,但現在夢境已經變成我們的現實生活,不變的是我們藉著實踐,朝著更遠大的夢想一步步邁進。

Of course we want to earn money with the Miniatur Wunderland. However, the aim of profit, on the contrary to most other companies, will never dominate our actions. For us, people are more important than money. People and employees aren’t factors and figures in our balance sheets, but unique individuals with different qualities and characters. Exactly this attitude is transparent on every single square meter of Wunderland’s ground. When building new sections, we only set the basic frame and then our employees can work independently within it. After 500,000 working hours the Wunderland is full of numerous lovely details which can’t be completely recognized by the visitors’ eyes. Moreover, we are actively working in all divisions and don’t just delegate from our desks. 

經營 Miniatur Wunderland 當然也希望能有經濟效益,但跟大部分公司不同的是,獲利絕對不會是我們決策的主要考量。夥伴的價值是金錢永遠比不上的。民眾跟員工不像是盈餘結算上的量化數字或是評估因素,每個人都是獨一無二的存在,有著各式各樣的特質跟個性。Wunderland 的一方一吋都是秉持著這樣的精神與尊重,毫無保留的呈現給大家。新展區開始動工時,我們都只設定最基本的雛型,讓工作人員們都能夠自由發揮。經歷五十萬個工作時數, Wunderland 的每個小角落都能讓人會心一笑,多到觀眾不一定有餘力能發現所有的小驚喜。再加上各個區塊我們都持續的盡心盡力,絕不只是在辦公桌前發號施令。

Consultants would probably pronounce us crazy and would say that we could built the same exhibit with the same number of trains and figures with only half of the employees in half of the time. However, in our opinion the Wunderland wouldn’t be the Wunderland anymore. The love and attention to detail would be lost and we wouldn’t be able to tell our employees and visitors that the Wunderland is our dream which we dive into every morning again.
We hope to be able to keep on dreaming for a long time and can prove to others that even a business environment that needs not to be run like a machine, providing it has a balance of creativity and fun to match the economic logic.
Gerrit and Frederik Braun 

經營顧問大概覺得我們瘋了,還會提點我們這樣的展覽,其實只需要現在一半的人力跟時間就可以完成。但對我們來說, 這樣一來 Wunderland 就失去它的意義,因為人們沒有辦法在每一個小地方,感受到我們的熱忱及心血,我們再也沒有辦法跟我們的員工或是參觀民眾大聲的說這就是我們的夢想;我們從夜裡醒來後,再也沒有另一個夢讓我們心生嚮往。我們想要繼續做我們的白日夢,也 藉此向大眾證明,即使是生意,也可以兼顧想像和樂趣。符合經濟效益的同時,並不需要像機器一般死板。
Gerrit and Frederik Braun

一開始入口真的就像是進入了一個新的國家,有螢幕顯示各國來的旅客人數。*台灣在左下角。有各式各樣的主題,有些有語音介紹,但大多是德文,一開始有一區是 Utopia , 是 2009 及 2013 選舉時,政黨提出對未來的願景,在一立方公尺小方塊中的未來,好像可以很容易掌握,侷限卻又不侷限的時空,也可看到四年來對所謂未來的願景有甚麼樣的變化。

Kunffingen Airport

大型展區分為 Switzerland 、 Knuffingen Airport 、 Knuffingen 、Middle Germany 、 Hamburg 、 America 、Scandinavia ,每個小細節或是一些小童趣都很可愛,導覽簡介上有列出一些,讓民眾可以尋找,我記得是在 Scandinavia 展區裡有看到精靈。還有一些是可以按鈕操控的動作,整個展場都有白天到晚上的變化,還有小火車到處跑,牆上、地板上都可以留心看一下:)


漢堡港,應該是 Landungsbrücken 站附近,右手邊是倉庫城,也就是 Miniatur Wunderland 的所在地。

Scandinavia 展區,右邊三角形的是位在挪威北Tromsø 的 Arctic Cathedral 。我記得某個角落有小精靈,但忘了拍,就當作飛走了。


門票 9 euro (學生票)


  1. 把手伸過去就會有風吹出來XDD

